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Pregnancy & Pediatric Chiropractic
at Restored Life Wellness Center, PLLC

Healthy Mom, Healthy Pregnancy

As someone who has “loved being pregnant and bringing life into this world,” Dr. Schwab is passionate about helping mothers-to-be feel their best. She strongly believes that if you are at your best health, you will have a healthier pregnancy.

Keeping Comfortable

A pregnant woman’s body goes through a lot of structural and functional changes in a short period of time. These changes often cause aches and pains that she can treat, leaving you feeling more comfortable and able to experience a healthier pregnancy.

Dr. Schwab is certified in the Webster Technique, which is helpful for many pregnant women. She is highly experienced in working with pregnant women, and she looks forward to helping you enjoy the healthiest pregnancy possible. Natural chiropractic care can help you have a healthier and happier pregnancy!

Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Dr. Schwab loves working with her younger patients. It might look like she is sitting on the floor playing blocks, but what she is actually doing is connecting with your child and putting them at ease. She gets down on their level so she can best observe and evaluate their needs.

She often adjusts her pediatric patients without them even knowing they received an adjustment! While some patients can be adjusted while interacting with Dr. Schwab as they play, many of her patients love to sit on Zoey the Zebra, her special zebra-shaped table.

Contact Us Today

You can be assured that your child is in skilled and loving hands when you bring them to Restored Life Wellness Center, PLLC. Discover how you and your child can experience optimal health! Contact us today to schedule an appointment.



Pregnancy & Pediatric Chiropractic York County VA | (757) 867-1046